Showing posts with label teenagers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teenagers. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

How Online Money Making Works



    There are tonne of online money making programs, schemes, and scams out there.  I would wager that 9% are scams.  At least that's been my experience.  

I've been working with a site called Money Guru.  It's a pretty simple, straight forward.  

1 - You click this LINK

 2 - You fill out the required fields.  Your name, e-mail, and in which for you'd like to be paid, (PayPal, Bitcoin, cheque via snail mail, or any other form of electronic transfer).

3 - Then you complete any number of required tasks, (minimum of 10).  Those tasks include filling out online surveys.  Installing apps to your phone or tablet, run them for a minimum of thirty seconds (0:30).  Then feel free to uninstall.  I personally wait until I see that the app has been registered on my account, (just to play it safe).

These apps you can download and surveys you could fill out are changed every couple of weeks.  So, there is always something new for you to do.  Because after all, you won't get paid twice for doing the same thing twice.

4- I find this the most important step, as it's the easiest, and fastest way to make money from this site.  Exploit your personal referral link.  For every person that clicks on your referral link, you are paid $0.20. Not only are you paid $0.20 per click, you are also paid $5.00 for every referral who signs up.  No, it's not a pyramid system, as it only goes one level deep. 

 It's just that simple.  No tricks.  If you choose to do it, that's up to you.  If you sign up for it, I can't express strongly enough how much you need to pimp your referral link.  That will be your bread and butter.  Where the majority of your income will come from.

Remember, you must have at least one hundred (100) clicks.  You must earn a minimum of $100.  You must complete at least ten (10) tasks, and you must have at least ten (10) referrals.

Bare in mind I haven't yet received a payment from Money Guru.  However, this seems to be the most legitimate online money making site I have come across. As soon as I receive a payment, I will post it here, and let you all know.  If you however receive a payment before I do, please let me know.



Monday, February 2, 2015

Teenagers NEVER Used To Be Like This!

I've had this blog here for quite a while.  This site is simply for me bitching about things.  If you read my other blogs, you know that I rarely have things I complain about.  I'm generally a fun-loving type of guy.  However, last night, just put me directly over the edge. 
My family and I were having a good time watching the Superbowl, when it all went to shit.  Compliments of just ONE person.  I'm not naming names, because I can guarantee you that her mother, or even herself will read this post at some point. 

All I know is that when I was a teenager, the ONLY thing that ever concerned me was: Will I have enough money to buy beer this weekend?  And, where will we be drinking that beer?  That's it. 
I'm not claiming to be a genius, but I made it all the way through high school with a 70%-85% average.  I got accepted into every post-secondary school I applied to. 
Maybe the world is different?  Maybe being naturally gifted at so many things, but choosing to ignore them is the way to live life now?  I don't know.  But FUCK!  Be a kid!  I understand that some people live their lives under a rock.  Who don't want to, or don't have the means to enjoy themselves, but don't try to ruin it for everyone else.
Hell, all the kids I hung out with in high school are quite successful.  Even a few of my old 'drinking buddies' have their PhD's. 

The trouble with kids of any generation is that they all believe the same thing, and that is: High school is the be-all and end-all of your life.  It's four fucking years!  Chances are you're not going to see many, if any of your graduating class for the rest of your life!

Be selfish!  Think about yourself.  If you're uncomfortable with that, deal with it.  Don't take it out on others who you know for a FACT care about you! 

This is supposed to be a HAPPY house!  A HAPPY family!  So many people need to stop trying to create problems where they don't exist! 

As you can tell, my biggest HATE is for drama queens. 
The trouble with this particular queen is, she went from a 10 to a 2 in my eyes.