Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Almost There....



    So, I'm almost there, folks.  Is Money Guru a scam?  I've made the minimum $10.0...  But now there are apparently MORE steps that need to be taken.  Anyone

want to help me out... At least with the referral part of it?  

Like I've said in Facebook posts, I don't receive any junk mail from Money Guru, so I think it's at least a little safe to give them your e-mail address....  That being said, many people also use a dummy account for that reason alone.

So, what I'm saying is, apart from this costing you a minute amount of time, there is no harm at all in signing up....  It would also help me figure out is Money Guru is in fact a scam....?  Anyone....? 


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Online Money Research

 This post isn't really a rant.  Nor a call for help.....  But kind of an experiment of sorts....  You might even call it research.  Since I'm officially retired, (I can't work), and am currently living on a Disability pension, I'm always looking for new and inventive ways of making money online.  I've stumbled upon a site called Money Guru. It's had many good reviews on several scam related websites.  So, I've obviously signed up for it, (mainly for research purposes), and have done a few of the things suggested on the site to make money.  I've shared the link.  I've filled out a few small surveys, and have installed a few apps on my phone.  

Like all sites of that sort, there is always a minimum payout limit.  With Money Guru, it's $100.  After only about sixty minutes of playing around, and not really knowing what I'm doing with this site, I've accumulated $60.80.  As you can see, it's pretty easy to make some money relatively quickly.  

When I went to the site, the very first thing I did was watch a couple of short videos on how the site worked.  Like how quickly you could do the surveys.  That the apps you download to your phone or tablet, only have to open, and run for about thirty seconds.  After that, it's safe to uninstall and delete the whole thing.  It's just that simple.  Or even get paid to read blogs, (not this one).


So, with that in mind, all I'm asking you to do is click on the link(s) in this post.
  Check out what the site has to offer, and if you want, sign up for it.  You've got nothing to lose, as most people have a dummy e-mail account for sites just like this one.  If I do make the minimum amount of money required for a payout, and I do receive said money, I'll be sure to post it on here.  If however I don't, then I'll post that on here too, and put Money Guru on Blast.     

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance to everyone for helping out.


Friday, October 16, 2020

MoneyGuru... Does It Work?

 This isn't really a rant...  It's more of a test.  I'm trying to find out if the MoneyGuru website is a scam, or not.  Anyone want to help me out?

Check it out, and let me know if this site ACTUALLY pays out money, or if it's just a cleverly designed website, and whatnot.  It says I've made a few bucks on the site, but again, I don't know if it'll actually pay out....  If it does, I'll be sure to post an update here....  Or, if you know, you could leave a message as well.  

I appreciate any and all of your help.

Friday, July 15, 2016

All Lives Matter

Over the last many months, the Black Lives Matter movement has been making a whole bunch of press.  Not undeservedly so.  We've seen video, audio and photographs of young black men being
brutalized, beaten, and killed by white police officers.


Yes, I'll agree that the cop here used excessive force.  There isn't any question about that.
I'm not trying to make an excuse for the police, or their actions, but in my experience, MANY (not all), police officers suffer from a God Complex.

God complex

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.


A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they are unquestionably correct.[1] Someone with a god complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may request special consideration or privileges.[1]
God complex is not a clinical term or diagnosable disorder and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
The first person to use the term god-complex was Ernest Jones (1913-51).[2] His description, at least in the contents page of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis, describes the god complex as belief that one is a god.[3]

 Alton Sterling

Again, I won't argue that the police in question here didn't use excessive force.  Sterling is dead, so obviously they used more force than was necesarry.

I'm not denying that some police and many civilians aren't racist.  That's an unfortunate fact.  However, I'm not one of them.
What I'm upset with though is, where is all the video, and protests about all the other non-black people that the police have shot and killed?

Breakdown Of US Citizens Killed By Cops In 2016

In the U.S. a total of 509 citizens have been killed this year alone by police. The body count for the previous year stands at a grand total of 990 people shot dead, according to the Washington Post. As the below infographic from Statista shows, most of those killed by police are male and white. 123 of those shot were Black Americans. This is a relatively high share, keeping in mind that close to 13 percent of Americans belong to that ethnic group.
I'm not saying black lives don't matter.  The facts unfortunately show that black people kill many more other black people than the police do.
I'm not taking sides here.  I was raised to accept everyone, regardless of colour, creed, sexuality,
etc...  The colour of ones skin is the last thing I notice about a person.
If you treat me nice, I'll treat you nice.  It's as simple as that.

... Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Police Shooting In Collingwood!!!!

UPDATE -  The Opp have confirmed it was a DOG!!!!

I spent the majority of my life in small town Ontario.  Specifically in the beautiful town of Collingwood.  A town on the souther shore of Georgian Bay.  Unfortunately, Collingwood is no longer the town I once loved.
It's starting to appear that Collingwood is no longer a good town to be from.

I recently found a video online, showing one of Collingwood's OPP (Gestapo) officers dealing with a coyote.

I've noticed lately, more accurately, since I've grown up, that the OPP force, not just in Collingwood, but all over the province, is acting with less and less integrity.  True, I know for a fact there are at least a handfull of good, competant officers on the force.  But, they seem to be way outnumbered by the Gestapo-acting Marshall Lawists that they are.

Just view the video above, and tell me that I'm wrong.  Also, PLEASE, for the love of all things that are holy, share this.  Tweet it, post it on Facebook, Google + it.  Whatever social media you use!  This has to get out to the masses, and publicly shame, and hopefully take this officers badge!

BITCOIN DONATION - 181Ar1h9dkEN5HhCjVwNbpz1d7F8qNXm22

Monday, May 4, 2015

WTF Are Teachers Thinking?

In case you haven’t heard (by that I mean you don’t live in Ontario, Canada), our secondary teachers are on strike.  Why?  The easy quick, and accurate answer is: They’re idiots.
The one thing, and the only thing I believe our children, their students will take from this is:  If shit isn’t going your way, just leave. 
Remember those kids we hated when we were younger.  The kid that if teams weren’t the right way, or they were losing, would ‘take their ball & gohome’?  That’s exactly what the teachers on Ontario are currently doing.  Are these the types of people we want teacking our children?  Better yet, 
do they REALLY need to be unionized?  That’s what is causing these problems. 
The Teachers unions of Ontario overwhelmingly supported AND elected the current Liberal government.  Now their protesting against them?  Makes sense, right?
Here’s a list of Ontario school job actions going back to that mother of all teachers’ strikes:

Halloween 2013: Elementary and junior high school teachers across Ontario The teachers staged a one-day walkout in response to collective agreements imposed by the McGuinty government.

Dec. 18, 2012: Toronto, Peel and Durham public elementary boards They walked off the job and shut down schools, joined by teachers at five other boards across Ontario: Greater Essex in the Windsor area, Lambton-Kent in Sarnia and Chatham, Waterloo, Grand Erie in Brantford and Near North in North Bay. This was the climax of a series of rotating one-day strikes over the previous weeks protesting Bill 115, which allowed the province to impose labour contracts on teachers and limited their ability to strike. (It was later repealed.)

May 16, 2003: Toronto Catholic District School Board The board locked out its elementary school teachers, who had been without a contract since August and had been working to rule since February. The board maintained it could not afford to pay teachers a raise of more than 6.5 per cent over two years. The union sought at least 7.5 per cent. The lockout lasted 12 days and schools reopened after the Ontario government passed back-to-work legislation on June 2, 2003.

Nov. 4, 2002: Simcoe Muskoka secondary students A teachers’ strike shut down Catholic high schools across cottage country, affecting more than 7,000 students. After a week of rotating one-day walkouts, teachers launched its full-scale strike over wages and working conditions. That strike ended after three weeks with back-to-work legislation.

Nov. 30, 2002: Simcoe-Muskoka Catholic District School Board More than 15,000 elementary school students with the Simcoe-Muskoka Catholic District School Board were off the job for two weeks. The strike ended when their union, which represented 800 elementary school teachers at 41 schools, agreed to voluntary arbitration.

Nov. 29, 1998: York Region elementary teachers There were two months of strife across the region’s 108 public elementary schools. Rotating strikes shut about 20 schools for a day. The 3,214 elementary teachers worked to rule. The board responded by locking them out for five days. The teachers answered back with the rotating strikes.

Sept. 29, 1998: Teachers across province School started late for some 210,000 students from eight school boards across Ontario, after the three parties in the Ontario Legislature brokered a deal to get a back-to-work bill introduced and passed into law. There had been a collection of teachers’ strikes and school board lockouts, costing 133,000 students in the GTA 15 days of classes.

Oct. 27, 1997: Teachers across province A province-wide, two-week strike was staged in protest of Bill 160, which increased the time teachers were expected to spend in front of students. Principals and vice-principals joined the strikers, which outraged the government. It affected 2.1 million elementary and secondary students. The legislation was passed, despite the mass job action.

Oct. 18, 1987: Metro elementary school teachers Metro Toronto’s first strike by public elementary school teachers affected 157,000 students and lasted 26 days. A key issue was preparation time. The union wanted 200 hours a week. The board eventually settled for 100 hours in the first year of the contract and 120 hours in the second year.

Those are the whining babies that are educating OUR children! 
The Ontario teachers are among the highest paid Public Servants in the country.  Apparently this strike isn’t about money.  But rest assured, money will solve the problem.   I would suggest sharing this post with all of your friends in Ontario, and/or around the world.  We need to let everyone know what spoiled little brats we have performing as teachers! 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Liberal Ontario - The New Mother Russia

Lately, the Premier of Ontario, Canada has been making a lot of people angry.  I've even say 'PISSED OFF'.  Mainly because like most politicians; she lies.  She
has recently introduced a new Sex-Ed programme for our children.  It's such a bad and horrible programme, she was afraid to even mention it in the last Provincial Election.
I recently read a very good article about our misleading Premier. 
I won't say I agree 100% with the article, because really I don't give a shit about anyone's sexual preference. Bit the actions made in the name of one's sexual preference can ruin other's lives.

The First Child Kathleen Wynne Destroyed

February 28, 2015
(left, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, right, and longtime partner, Jane Rounthwaite. Wynne is introducing a controversial "sex ed"
curriculum that promotes homosexuality.)

When Wynne's oldest son, Chris, was eleven-years-old, his mother kicked his dad into the basement and moved her lesbian lover into his parent's bedroom.

by Thomas Carter

If you are wondering when Kathleen Wynne started destroying children, it started with her own. This is the Wynne family's own testimony in a 2007 study on failed marriages by Cate Cochran entitled Reconcilable Differences. 1

Of course that isn't how they try to spin it in the book, which is really about failure for failures, written by a failure. However, the author unwittingly provides us with several jewels of information. In the chapter devoted to Wynne's self-sabotaged marriage, the author includes quotes by all of the players in the sad affair.

Once the quotes are extracted it provides a pretty clear picture of what transpired and a testimony to the character of our Premier, Kathleen  Wynne. 


According to the book, Kathleen Wynne and Peter Cowperthwaite were "university sweethearts." After graduating they lived together for a few years and got married in 1977.  Peter who was a successful accountant provided a good living while Kathleen stayed home and raised three kids.

"Kathleen loved being a mother. When the kids were young, she awoke each day with a sense of well being knowing that she was following all the rules for the first time in her life. She was reaping lots of approval, baking muffins, taking part in neighborhood garage sales, attending kids school council meetings, and thinking to herself, "I'm doing this quite well, Oh my God, how did this happen. I didn't expect to be living this perfect life." pg15


"They had beautiful kids, and affluence but the sexual energy had become muted, and Kathleen knew "there had been a wild women in me that hadn't been around for a while." (p.17)

So, 13 years into their marriage, Kathleen Wynne decided to have a homosexual affair with her best friend Jane Rounthwaite. This happened when Jane accompanied Kathleen who was looking to purchase a family cottage. 2

"I know this isn't a story about how I came out as a lesbian but it was finding my sexual energy that led me to break with Phil." (17)

Notice, how Wynne uses the words "finding my sexual energy," like she was Luke Skywalker searching for the Force. Most people would use the words "sexual attracted to," but for the sodomite the term "sexual attraction" is way too connected to the rest of the natural order, i.e. having children.

Also if Wynne uses the term "sexually attracted to" as opposed to "finding my sexual energy," she's less likely to receive sympathy since most married couples are attracted to other people but honour their marriage vows rather than destroy their loved ones.


"Three months later, Jane moved in with Kathleen and Peter. Jane and Kathleen slept on the second floor where the children's bedrooms were located while Peter (Wynne's husband) stayed in the basement.[...] Jessie, who was nine, and Chris who was eleven, were livid." 

"Almost in the same breath, their children knew their parents were splitting up and their mom had a new partner, a woman." (18)

The book tells us that while this new arrangement made sense to the adults, "to the three little children whose lives were being turned inside out, it didn't. They were not happy." (18)


Wynne's partner was/is a woman named Jane Rounthwaite. The book says that "Jane had secretly been in love with Kathleen for 18 years and getting together with Kathleen was the realization of a dream.

Rounthwaite told the Toronto Star, "I waited 18 years for her, basically, from the time I met Kath in 1973, I was just waiting -- through her marriage, through my own relationship (with a woman) -- I just waited all those years." 3

She waited like a snake in the grass for an opportunity to destroy a marriage just to satisfy her own vice.

And of course the neighbors who shunned her were merely judgmental. Rounthwaite states.

 "There were people in the neighborhood who disapproved, so they said they were worried about the children, but I think their concerns went way beyond the needs of the children [...] I was the first lesbian many of them had ever met, and in this configuration I was certainly the home-wrecker so I had the experience of people really avoiding me on the street." (22)

No, it would never would occur to Rounthwaite that these people shunned her for seducing a married woman with three children. At least there were some decent folk in the neighborhood.


In Wynne's own words, "I was the bitch of the place, I'm the one who has the temper. I'm the one who is volatile.  I'm the one who cried the most and was the most difficult to deal with." (20)

Peter (left) thought he was sacrificing for the sake of children. But in fact he failed by subjecting his children under his own roof to his wife's deviant relationship. Perhaps, if had acted with more self respect, and kicked his wife out, he might have even rescued his marriage. Wynne may have quickly come to her senses. But he stayed for years in the basement tacitly condoning the perversity of the situation instead of trying to rescue his children, particularly his oldest son Chris, from witnessing the insanity day after day.


"Over the years the children have taken issue with Kathleen for indulging in a kind of myth-making... Maggie (Wynne's youngest daughter) says that Kathleen pretended  it was "perfect, and we have this family myth that it was perfect, but I know it wasn't."

Maggie struggled with her mother's need to look for the positive. To her, that relentless upbeat attitude restricted the range of reactions she could express over what she'd been through. "You can have your confrontations, you can have a fight, but you can't say, "I'm really, really sad that you and dad got divorced."' (29)

Wynne's delusional behavior highlights the psychological destruction of the individual that acts out a perverted attraction. No mind can both grasp the goodness of God's order and partake in sodomy. The whole world has to be turned upside down.


Cowperthwaite's oldest son, Chris, was eleven-years-old when his mother kicked his dad into the basement and moved her lesbian lover into his parent's bedroom.  What's an eleven-year-old boy to do?

(left, Chris Cowperthwaite today)
The book states that Chris "was constantly in head-on confrontations with all of the adults in the house. He felt that he had been dragged into his parents' experiment and expressed his anger and frustration with great drama [...] under his anger, though, there was a very scared little boy. On a ski trip, he plaintively asked if he could have his old family back. He wanted the experiment to be over and things to return to the way things were. It fell to Kathleen to disabuse him of the idea." (24)

Some time later, Chris "began to question his own sexual identity" and eventually comes out as a gay.  The boy's trauma on account of his mother interrupted his normal development to the point where he will never be able to have a normal relationship with a woman or have a normal family.

Funny how Chris' situation reflects many unpopular theories regarding the cause of same sex attraction. Dr. Ruth Barnhouse said the homosexual "has suffered from some deficit in the relationship with the parent of the same sex; and there is a corresponding drive to make good this deficit - through the medium of same-sex or 'homosexual' relationships".

 Dr. Robert Stoller said that sexual  perversion often resulted from trauma at an early age. This could be the death of a parent or physical abuse. In a sense his father and mother died. Some youths find constructive ways to deal with the conflict whereas others succumb to perversion.

And now Premiere Wynne, who failed at the most important job any woman can have (motherhood), who took all the blessing received in her life and subordinated them to her unnatural vice, wants to impose a sexually explicit curriculum on all the children of Ontario from the age of six- years old. She simply has to be stopped.


Take action, sign petition to stop graphic new sex-ed
Register here for regular updates and action items.

Reconcilable Differences
2 "found themselves involved with each other in a way that would change everyone's life forever."
Kathleen Wynne's not-so-ordinary family | Toronto Star

First Comment from Lena-

Home education doesn't have to be expensive and ordinary people can do this even if they have to sacrifice some of the luxuries they currently view as necessities. The 'system' is corrupt and where parents are ostensibly given a say, it is only window dressing and a farce. They don't care about what parents have to say. Even if parents 'win' a round, it will come back, as this curriculum clearly demonstrates, having been tried once before. In a few years, there will be a new crop of already indoctrinated parents, so what do they care what the current crop has to say?

In Ontario there isn't even standard testing for home educated children. If your children have not yet been in the school system, you don't have to notify anyone; if they have, you simply write to the board to notify them of your intent to home educate. You might even get away without that but that is up to the individual to decide so I won't advise that. Best to be as far off the government radar as possible though, in my opinion. But you do not need any special qualifications, you don't need to report after the initial letter of intent, and you can teach what you want to. I suggest searching the Internet for "self-teaching curriculum", but there are others out there of course.

Realize that it is the parents who enable these perverts by supporting the system with their own flesh and blood. Remove that support by removing your children; don't let the vampires feed on them.
Now you can make up your own mind.  But this double-crossing incredibly untrustworthy Premier must go.  If Recall Votes could happen in Canada, Ontario has needed one for the last two Premiers.

Agree?  Or disagree?

Share with your friends, please.