Sunday, October 25, 2020

Online Money Research

 This post isn't really a rant.  Nor a call for help.....  But kind of an experiment of sorts....  You might even call it research.  Since I'm officially retired, (I can't work), and am currently living on a Disability pension, I'm always looking for new and inventive ways of making money online.  I've stumbled upon a site called Money Guru. It's had many good reviews on several scam related websites.  So, I've obviously signed up for it, (mainly for research purposes), and have done a few of the things suggested on the site to make money.  I've shared the link.  I've filled out a few small surveys, and have installed a few apps on my phone.  

Like all sites of that sort, there is always a minimum payout limit.  With Money Guru, it's $100.  After only about sixty minutes of playing around, and not really knowing what I'm doing with this site, I've accumulated $60.80.  As you can see, it's pretty easy to make some money relatively quickly.  

When I went to the site, the very first thing I did was watch a couple of short videos on how the site worked.  Like how quickly you could do the surveys.  That the apps you download to your phone or tablet, only have to open, and run for about thirty seconds.  After that, it's safe to uninstall and delete the whole thing.  It's just that simple.  Or even get paid to read blogs, (not this one).


So, with that in mind, all I'm asking you to do is click on the link(s) in this post.
  Check out what the site has to offer, and if you want, sign up for it.  You've got nothing to lose, as most people have a dummy e-mail account for sites just like this one.  If I do make the minimum amount of money required for a payout, and I do receive said money, I'll be sure to post it on here.  If however I don't, then I'll post that on here too, and put Money Guru on Blast.     

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance to everyone for helping out.


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