Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Police Shooting In Collingwood!!!!

UPDATE -  The Opp have confirmed it was a DOG!!!!

I spent the majority of my life in small town Ontario.  Specifically in the beautiful town of Collingwood.  A town on the souther shore of Georgian Bay.  Unfortunately, Collingwood is no longer the town I once loved.
It's starting to appear that Collingwood is no longer a good town to be from.

I recently found a video online, showing one of Collingwood's OPP (Gestapo) officers dealing with a coyote.

I've noticed lately, more accurately, since I've grown up, that the OPP force, not just in Collingwood, but all over the province, is acting with less and less integrity.  True, I know for a fact there are at least a handfull of good, competant officers on the force.  But, they seem to be way outnumbered by the Gestapo-acting Marshall Lawists that they are.

Just view the video above, and tell me that I'm wrong.  Also, PLEASE, for the love of all things that are holy, share this.  Tweet it, post it on Facebook, Google + it.  Whatever social media you use!  This has to get out to the masses, and publicly shame, and hopefully take this officers badge!

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